Click the Gale button to access ALL Gale databases.

We now have access to JSTOR - one of the largest academic databases currently available. Visit JSTOR.com for access.
How to use JSTOR (a student guide)
No username and password is necessary when on campus.
For at home access, click the "database passwords" button at the top of this page.
How to use JSTOR (a student guide)
No username and password is necessary when on campus.
For at home access, click the "database passwords" button at the top of this page.
Google Scholar is the academic version of Google. Google Scholar limits searches to published works (books, journals, articles, etc.). Each search result is accompanied by a link to copy a formatted citation, direct link to the article, and links to explore other works that have referenced this work.
Semantic Scholar is an AI powered academic search engine that searches over 187 million papers. The "TLDR" feature summarizes complex academic works in 1-2 sentences to allow for easier browsing. Formatted citations, open-access PDF links, and a customized "research feed" page make SS a very useful tool.
**NEW FOR 2022**
Peterson's Test Prep provides practice tests and study guides for the ACT, SAT, PSAT, AP exams, and more. There is a searchable database of colleges and available scholarships. Click the photo to the left to access. Create your own account to save your progress. For off-campus access use the password 'empirelink'. |

Statista is a marketing and statistics database that includes consumer surveys, market outlooks, and company reports.
No username and password is necessary when on campus.
No username and password is necessary when on campus.
Additional database resources focusing on the sciences can be found here.
What is a database?
A database is a collection of magazine, journal, newspaper articles, abstracts, and other information, which has been checked for accuracy and reliability by publishers.
What are the benefits of using a database?
Most of the information found within a database collection is copyrighted and cannot be found using Google or other search engines. The information in the database is organized, searchable, reliable, and provides you with formatted citations!
How should I search a database?
Databases work differently than search engines like Google. View the presentation below from Norwich University to learn more about when, why, and how to use a database appropriately.
Norwich University - Basic Database Search Strategies
What is a database?
A database is a collection of magazine, journal, newspaper articles, abstracts, and other information, which has been checked for accuracy and reliability by publishers.
What are the benefits of using a database?
Most of the information found within a database collection is copyrighted and cannot be found using Google or other search engines. The information in the database is organized, searchable, reliable, and provides you with formatted citations!
How should I search a database?
Databases work differently than search engines like Google. View the presentation below from Norwich University to learn more about when, why, and how to use a database appropriately.
Norwich University - Basic Database Search Strategies